Assalamu Alaykum. Hi, I am

Ziyan Nafis Assaify

Surabaya, Indonesia

Ziyan is currently interested in fullstack web development with Javascript and some of its frameworks like Next.js and Express JS.

He has both intellectual giftedness and on the autism spectrum with ADHD co-occurring condition.

With that condition, he would like to help other neurodivergent and disabled people by using IT fields.

Download My Resume

Not yet available

Front End Web Developer

My Web Development Skill-Set

Web Development Basics

Front-End Stack

Back-End Stack

Database Stack

VPS (Server) Admin


  1. International Open University (IOU), Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
  2. September 2023 - Now


Web App Development as IOU Community Service Work

For Islamic Center, Masjids, Islamic School, and non-Profit Organizations.

Other IOU Community Service Work

Also Open for Various Community Service Job Online or On-Site (Greater Malang and Surabaya Only)

Front-End Web Development Freelance Work

Or Full Stack Web Development, with Competitive Hourly Rates

Assaify Developer

Assalamu'alaykum. Hi, I am

Ziyan Nafis Assaify

Surabaya, Indonesia

Front End Web Developer

Ziyan is currently interested in fullstack web development with Javascript and some of its frameworks like Next.js and Express JS.

He has both intellectual giftedness and on the autism spectrum with ADHD co-occurring condition.

With that condition, he would like to help other neurodivergent and disabled people by using IT fields.

Download My Resume

Not Yet Available

My Web Development Skill-Set

Web Development Basics

Front-End Stack

Back End Stack

Database Stack

VPS (Server) Admin


  1. International Open University (IOU), Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
  2. September 2023 - Now


  • Web App Development as IOU Community Service Work
  • For Islamic Center, Masjids, Islamic School, and non-Profit Organizations

  • Other IOU Community Service Work
  • Also Open for Various Community Service Job Online or On-Site (East Java Only)

  • Front-End Web Development Freelance Work
  • Or Full Stack Web Development, with Competitive Hourly Rates